Financial Technologies

Taming the Trends

Your business can flourish in the digital age if it moves swiftly and embraces the changing environment. New fintech trends deepen customer satisfaction and loyalty, drive long-term relationships and increase profitability in a shifting regulatory landscape. But it is necessary not only know them but to be able to design and implement qualitatively. Lucky for you we have all these gathered together! The goals you envision today and your ability to execute that vision effectively — will determine your future competitiveness.

Key Drivers for Modern Fintech

Fintech is emerging as a powerful theme driven by the rapid adoption of cutting edge technologies across the financial services industry, such as digital payments and money transfers, financial software and automation, alternative lending and funding platforms.

  • User Base: between­ 2014 ­and­ 2017, ­the ­percentage ­of­ users­ sending ­and ­receiving ­payments­ digitally ­increased­­: from­ 67%­ to­ 76% ­globally; from­ 57%­ to­ 70% ­in ­the ­developing ­world;
  • 32% of traditional financial services organizations will adopt digital or mobile strategies, integrating FinTech from partners by 2020 as far they are not ready to go all in and invest fully in FinTech
  • 60% — grow by 2020 number financial organizations clients which will use mobile applications at least once a month to access financial services

Financial Intelligence Beyond Its Borders

To keep up with the latest trends and even beat them, we’ve developed a сlients-oriented platform for Financial institutions — FINMATEX. It is designed for creating and managing marketplaces with own Financial products. The platform has an AI-based client’s assistance. Financial Organizations can build their own branded marketplaces with products and services or use Finmatex marketplaces. Also, it is possible to create and manage products and services based on the provided Products Templates. First of all, Finmatex designed for Banks (brick & mortar and online), Neobanks, Credit unions, Brokerage companies, Crypto exchange markets and brokers, Forex brokers, Insurance companies, Financial advisors and investment managers. Nevertheless, the system also has features for users’ needs.




Data Science/Big Data Computer Vision AI and Chatbots Cloud Solutions IoT, Industry 4.0 Mobile Applications Blockchain
Analysis of expenses for mobile and online banking
Cloud-based trading platform

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